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7-1-2000 to 6-22-12

The first time I saw Tyson was on the Sheltie Shack web-site. I knew Tyson was the one to be my new companion. We had lost our Sheltie Snoopy a year earlier, and I was still getting over him. I just knew Tyson would fill that void.  We made contact with Linda and headed west to meet Tyson. Everything went well until I reached for his leash which had fallen on the floor. Before I knew it He bit through my hand, Even after that I was determined Tyson was my Boy. Once we got him home things went well after He became friends with our cat.  He was never out of my sight for eight years except when he was in the hospital for a few days,He went everywhere with us. We always made sure when traveling that the motel would accept pets. Tyson and I became inseparable, if I went out a door, he would lay at that door until I returned.  I was very fortunate to have him as my companion for eight wonderful years.  They say time heals, but in our case I don't think it will ever heal. Tyson went to Rainbow Bridge on June 22, 2012.  He had been so very sick yet he tried his very best to stay with me.  I go to his grave whenever I can to visit with him.  I miss him so very, very much.  I truly know that some day we will be together again.

I love you Tyson.  

From your Papa.


4-28-00 to 7-19-12

Ruby was big sister to 3 rescue dogs two of whom who came from Auntie Linda (Sheltie Shack). She welcomed them with open paws and had been with Ranger for almost 8 years.

RIP Ruby...Running In Paradise.

DANIELLE (1981-1994)
Beloved and missed furchild of Michael Mathewson and Stephanie Mathewson .

JENNIFER (1985-1998)
Beloved and missed furchild of Michael Mathewson and Stephanie Mathewson.

HATTIE (2000-2013)

Tearfully, we said farewell to Miss Hattie on 4/6/13.  She had battled complications of kidney disease since June of 2012 with an enduring will to live. Hattie entered our lives and our hearts in August 2004 followed a week later by her “brother” JJ.  She took the lead, as always, teaching JJ the tricks of being in charge of the home front.  Their “cousin” Capper, an adopted greyhound/lab mix, soon joined the fun providing us many laughs through the years.  Sweet Hattie stole our hearts from day one and we will miss her so.  JJ still goes to her “old” spots in the house and it is evident he misses her. His ears perk up when he hears her name. Hattie was a smart sheltie with a will to please, but a mind of her own. We long for the day she greets us with a wag, her sweet and trusting brown eyes, and her soft bark. We thank Drs. Hecker and Brown for all they did for her through the years and a special thanks to Linda and the Sheltie Shack for saving these special dogs who deserve a special life.

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