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SHELBY (2007)
Princess Shelby Lynn was my first and a very special sheltie. She was the inspiration behind the founding of SHELTIE SHACK RESCUE OF KANSAS in 2002.
You'll never be far from my heart Shelby and I will always miss you.
With all my love,
Your Mom (Linda)
Dear Yoda,
Although you were only part of our family a short year, the time we shared will be treasured. You were my happy little go along buddy with your furbrother Teddy and was always happy to oblige my need to cuddle a muffin. You'll be sadly missed and I expect you to be front and center, as you always were here ;-), when I show up at Rainbow Bridge too.
Love you lil buddy, Mom (Linda)
CODY JO (2011)
2-22-95 to 6-22-11
"Tagalong Dakota Joe" was dumped by
a family member of his beloved deceased owner at a local kill shelter at the age of 13. Luckily, this wonderful boy found his way into my heart and home through the efforts of an endless number of folks that had read his story on the Internet. Endearingly dubbed Cody Jo, brought a wealth of joy and love to my life and although only my beloved companion for a short 3+ years, I will never forget the many smiles he brought, not only to me, but to the many folks that he greeted (his job) when they came to our home to adopt their new furkids here at the Sheltie Shack.
Cody, you were an Ambassador for the breed and will leave your paw print in my heart until the day we are reunited at Rainbow Bridge.
I WILL MISS YOU DEARLY. Shelby, Yoda and many of your former furfriends & past family will meet and keep you company until we are all reunited.
With all my love, Your Mom Linda.
LACEY (2013)
Dearest Lacey, your smile and happiness radiated my world. I will forever miss you.
SONIC (2016)
6-24-16 (approx 15 yrs)
Dear sweet Sonic, your time with us was not near long enough, only 5 years. You will go down in time being remembered as the happiest and most entertaining sheltie I've known.
Linda Schwartz, SSR founder, furmom
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