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LUCKY (2006 to 4-4-12)
Beloved family member of the Roger & Tammy Wright Family, Missouri.

Adopted from SSR 8-11-07

Bear (10-28-96 to 4-13-12)
Beloved family companion of the Allen and Casey Quinn McNee Family.

Adopted from SSR 10-17-03.

KATIE (10-9-12)
We picked up Katie from the Sheltie Shack in September of 2005. We had adopted a Sheltie in March of that year and wanted to get her a sister. Katie won our hearts from day one. When she managed to slip free of her harness seatbelt on the way back to Iowa we new she was the one for us. Once we got her home she would show her snarling smile, gums and all, to any of the other animals that tried to get close to "her" couch. She gave us 7 years of pure joy! In February of 2011 we took her to the vet for, what we thought would be, a tube of salve for ringworm on her belly. Unfortunately, it turned out to be an aggressive form of cancer. We were devastated to say the least. They told us if they didn't remove it, we would have two weeks. If we went through with the surgery, we COULD have two more months. We wanted every day we could get and are so glad we chose surgery. Katie shocked us and all of the veterinarians involved in her care by living a year and a half longer. I guess she just knew we weren't ready to let her go. But on Oct. 9th 2012 the cancer won and we had to let her cross over the Rainbow Bridge. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is the kindest thing to do. Dear Katie, We miss you terribly. We miss your barking. We miss the way you scooted your furry butt on the carpet, and your barking. We miss your stinky breath on our faces while we sleep at night, and your barking. The cats miss you herding them around the house, and your barking. Your Sheltie sister Sydney really, really misses her best friend. We miss your exuberance and zest for life. We hope you felt loved as much by us as we did by you. We can't wait to see you again at the Rainbow Bridge. Keep barking! We love you! Mamma Steph, Mamma Joni, Sheltie Sister Syd

Sadie (1998 to 4-16-12)

Beloved fur companion of the Rick and Tammy Croteau Family, CO

 "Today, we led my Sadie girl to the Rainbow Bridge and allowed her to cross over. I'm sure on the other side she found Dakota and her old pal Tahoe. I can hear her barking at the birds and squirrels and defending the front door with her life. Sadie came to us via Linda and the Sheltie Shack Rescue. Sadie met Tahoe at the SSR and both fur kids made their forever homes with us in Feb of 2003. Sadie spent the first 5 years of her short life in a puppy mill never knowing what it was like to be loved. We had the honor of being her forever home for 9 short years and I know we made a difference in her all to short life. While my heart is hurting I know that she is in a better place..."  Mom Tammy


1997-2012  Beloved furchild of Ellen & Masha Moore.

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