We have some awesome shelties available!
(scroll to the bottom of page)
Yes, we moved from Kansas to Missouri
"THE OZARKS on Table Rock Lake"
in 2017 !
Sheltie Shack Rescue is now located near Shell Knob, Missouri on Table Rock Lake.
We will now be serving Missouri and surrounding states (AR, KS, OK) as needed.
If you are a "Sheltie Shack Alumni" and have moved or changed
"YOUR" contact information in any way or your sheltie/collie has gained their wings,
PLEASE notify us.
Doing RESCUE is a very emotional effort. Please respect that
we really do want to keep track of the precious lives
that we have saved and shared with you.

A PayPal link is on the right side of this page or you can find our
address on the contact us link at the top right corner of this page.
From our Shack to Yours !
Sheltie Shack Rescue has been very blessed to be able to continue to be a part of
re-homing shelties and the occasional collie in need since 2002.
Our wish for you each year is to hold tight to those you love,
open you hearts and home to an animal in need and be blessed by the
knowledge that you have made a difference. Sheltie Shack Rescue appreciates you all.
In closing, remember our Rainbow Bridge Page and please feel free
to send us a photo of your beloved SSR furchild (or other family fursiblings)
that have gained his/her wings with a personal tribute and we'd
be honored to add them to our dedicated page.
Thank you ~
Sheltie Shack Rescue is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) public charity – contributions are tax deductible.
EIN# 26-4771884